Our Clients
Well Women Franklin values its members and respects their privacy. We collect information about our members in an effort to improve our services. We do not sell personal information to third parties, and if we do need to share information with a third party it is because of the following reasons:
- We have reason to be worried about your safety or the safety of your family/children as per the Vulnerable Children’s Act 2014.
- We have helped to refer you to another organisation such as Maternal Mental Health, Plunket, Franklin Family Support or Work & Income.
To ensure confidentiality the Facilitators, only refer to the member by first name at all times.
Well Women Franklin does gather information to be used for anonymous statistical purposes for funding applications. We follow data minimisation guidelines as per The Privacy Act 2020.
Well Women Franklin has a complaint and feedback policy. If you feel your confidentiality has been breached, the Well Women Franklin Co-ordinator will be able to help you and can be contacted by email at
Our Committee Members
Our committee members are trained on the importance of not breaching confidentiality and not to discuss specific points outside the monthly management meetings. If an individual client is spoken about, no details to identify the person will be given. If a member of the committee has recently used the Well Women Franklin Peer Support Group (there is a 6 month stand down period), they will be asked to leave the meeting whilst details are discussed.
Our Volunteers and Contractors
Well Women Franklin volunteers and contractors are trained in the importance of acting in confidence and not discussing details of a women to other individuals. This is outlined in the other policies.
The Well Women Franklin committee places great importance on making clear any existing or potential conflicts of interest for its committee members. All such conflicts of interest shall be declared or documented in the board’s ‘Declaration of Conflicts of Interest’ form.
This applies to all members of the Management Committee and will be renewed as individuals circumstances change and/or at each Management Committee Meeting.
- any business or personal matter which is, or could be, a conflict of interest involving the individual and their role and relationship with the organisation must be declared and registered in the Declaration of Conflicts of Interest form.
- all such entries shall be presented to the Management Committee and minuted at the first meeting following entry on the form.
- where a conflict of interest is identified and/or registered, the board member concerned shall not vote on that issue. Only with the unanimous agreement of all other members present may the member concerned participate in any discussion on that topic. Failing such agreement being reached, the individual shall either refrain from participation or leave the room;
- when the chair is aware of a real or potential conflict of interest involving one or more committee members, the chair must take whatever steps necessary to ensure that the conflict is managed in an appropriate manner according to this policy; and
- individual committee members, aware of a real or potential conflict of interest of another committee member, have a responsibility to bring this to the notice of the Management Committee.
To ensure that Well Women Franklin is providing a high level of support to women using the service in a way that is engaging and beneficial.
- If a person wishes to make a complaint, the complaint is required to be made in writing either by email to or by post to Well Women Franklin, PO Box 972, Pukekohe. The Co-ordinator will be responsible to making sure all complainants receive acknowledgement of the complaint and a time-frame for the complaint to be dealt with.
- The Co-ordinator will liaise with the Facilitators, Chairperson and Supervisor to ensure the complaint is dealt with within a suitable timeframe and discussed with the committee.
- Women will be asked to fill out an evaluation form:
- each term to provide feedback.
- if a woman has left group or only come for a short time.
- Feedback is always welcome and can be emailed to the Co-ordinator at any time.
Well Women Franklin’s plan is flexible to any developing situation, with the aim of maintaining the organisation’s activities during a pandemic. Our priorities are:
- The health of our people, committee, volunteers, personnel and their whānau
- The health of those who we interact with
- The overall health of New Zealand population (eg containment)
Working to national guidelines. At all times we will take national advice (Ministry of Health, MFAT and others) and incorporate that into our planning, and pass it on.
Central portal for all information on COVID-19 or 0800 358 5453
The Ministry of Health website provides information on pandemic planning and response and the New Zealand Influenza Pandemic Plan. It currently provides the latest information on the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak
Employment New Zealand provides further detailed information about employment during and after disasters and workplace response to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
WorkSafe NZ provides information on Workplace preparedness for novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
Safe Travel:
Pandemic Response Coordinator – The Pandemic Response Co-ordinator will be the Co-ordinator, backed up by the Chairperson.
Travel and health management – Where any of the Well Women Franklin team are travelling internationally, or passing through or using a place where infection exists or is a risk, or suspects that they have been at risk of infection, that person should advise the pandemic response coordinator in advance of their dates, route of travel, and on return as soon as possible of their potential or actual exposure to risk. Well Women Franklin team members should consult with the travel and health guidelines at the links provided above, which give up to date information.
Notification – The pandemic response coordinator will ensure that if a Team member tests as positive to having a virus/infection, then those who have worked with that person within the appropriate period are informed.
Vaccination – Where a vaccine is available, then all Well Women Franklin team members will be strongly encouraged to get vaccinated.
Decisions on cancellation or Postponement of travel or events – Meetings and events of any sort arranged by Well Women Franklin (internal or external to Well Women Franklin) will be considered early and ongoing by the pandemic response co-ordinator with appropriate consultation, so that meetings and events may be
- postponed,
- cancelled,
- decided to be by remote phone/zoom access only, or
- held with reduced participation
These decisions will be based on the principles above.
For work involving any contracted staff or major projects or overseas travel relating to Well Women Franklin work, the Chairperson will make the call about cancellation or postponement, in close consultation with the Committee and with those who are directly affected.
Visits to sites –In the case of an outbreak, if any of the Well Women Franklin team are visiting other sites then they should closely follow the advice provided by the Ministry of Health.
Direct engagements – Limiting exposure – Well Women Franklin team members will be encouraged to carry and use hand sanitiser/soap and follow MoH guidance about modifying the frequency and type of face to face contact, cough etiquette, prompt exclusion where necessary, and keeping themselves safe.
Risk of exposure – If any Well Women Franklin team member is caring for a person who has contracted a virus or has been in close contact or proximity of or exposed to any suspected carrier or case, or has a belief they may be at risk of spreading the virus for any other reason, they will advise the pandemic response coordinator immediately, and observe decisions made as a result.
Protect our IT systems – Within the parameters in this plan, Well Women Franklin will endeavour to support the continuation of activities, by email, zoom and using One Drive, and social media platforms. All laptops and mobile phones are to have up to date virus protection systems in place.
Working from Home – Well Women Franklin staff and committee are setup to carry out activities from their home offices, using phone, zoom, one drive and email. If there is a need to self-isolate, Well Women Franklin will ensure they have access to online files and zoom.
Cover – Well Women Franklin will do their best to ensure that cover is provided for absences, if the backup facilitator is not available then the group is able to go ahead if the Peer Support Group size is under twelve women. If the group size is likely to be over twelve then the Peer Support Group will need to be cancelled.
If a backup childminder is not available, then the childminding can go ahead with 2 childminders. If there is only 1 childminder available then the childminding will need to be cancelled.
Pastoral Care, Recovery, Return to work
Well Women Franklin recognises that this can be an anxious and emotional time for Well Women Franklin team members who may at times feel overwhelmed. As a result, the Well Women Franklin Co-ordinator will be responsible for supporting the well-being of Well Women Franklin team members and will regularly check in with staff.
Well Women Franklin will provide support by way of Counselling arrangement for Well Women Franklin team who need that service.
Well Women Franklin will provide support, within the contract, to enable contracted staff to work remotely
Well Women Franklin will put in place individual plans to facilitate and encourage the return to normalized duties for Well Women Franklin team members once they are better or at the end of their stay away period.
All individuals who are no longer ill or potentially ill will be welcomed back and supported with their return to Well Women Franklin duties.
Best practice approach – All Well Women Franklin team members will transparently follow, and share best practices with other organisations, NGOs and families to improve community response efforts.
Plan Review – This plan will be reviewed as needed.